AATKings Launch Concept ‘#moretoshare’ | Creative Director Matt Batten | Writer: Paul Knights | Agency: Edge


AATKings Launch Concept ‘#moretoshare’ | Creative Director Matt Batten | Writer: Paul Knights | Agency: Edge

AATKings Launch Concept ‘#moretoshare’ | Creative Director Matt Batten | Writer: Paul Knights | Agency: Edge


Sharing is social currency. It's bragging rights. Because of the AATKings unique trips, you'll have #moretoshare.

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AATKings Launch Concept ‘AATtime’ | Creative Director: Matt Batten | Writer: Paul Knights | Agency: Edge

AATKings Launch Concept ‘AATtime’ | Creative Director: Matt Batten | Writer: Paul Knights | Agency: Edge


AATtime is like Fiji time, where everything happens in it's own time. Forget about schedules, forget about maps, forget about booking ahead, forget about everything else.

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Inspiring Journey's Launch Concept ‘Close up and Personal’ | Creative Director: Matt Batten | Writer: Paul Knights | Agency: Edge

Inspiring Journey's Launch Concept ‘Close up and Personal’ | Creative Director: Matt Batten | Writer: Paul Knights | Agency: Edge


This concept is the promise of an 'inspiring journey'. To take you to places you wouldn't normally go and give you that intimate, close up & personal experience.

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